Sadly, the signs that were previously on our bathroom doors ("Women ONLY" and "Men ONLY," respectively) were taken down before I remembered to take my camera in to work. It's too bad, because it was really funny to see those signs right below the actual "Women" and "Men" signs.
However, here are a couple shots of the signs that are currently on our office microwave. This is the front:
And here is the sign on top (because 1 sign obviously isn't enough). Note the handwritten comment as well. :)
I'm sure that it is totally my fault that the "Women only" and "Men only" signs had to be put up in the first place. I always used to use the men's room if the women's was occupied; and I told other people to do it, too, since it was a single stall restroom.
Seriously, though, I want to know who added the handwritten note. You should really submit that to the people at passive aggressive notes.
OK, what would you make of people who would put a sign on a restroom door, done in a pinky-purple color that I think might be puce (though I'm bad at such things), reading "LIBRARY WOPEOPLE ONLY"? It's a real plastic sign, too, and the letters are printed in, not stuck on.
Earlier this year, I finally worked up the nerve to take down the sign that said "Please take care of your dishes. No one is going to clean up after you." Fairly standard, except that it was signed: "The custodial staff."
In other news, what is a woperson? Is it sort of like a wombat, only library trained?
Nicole: You are so not the only one. In fact, I always use the men's room if the women's is taken. I have no qualms about it, either. Most of the women in my dept. do it, too. The reason for the signs is that a guy came in, used the ladies' room, and left it really stinky. (This is a pet peeve with people anyway, since the bathrooms are internal and if there is any stench at all, it lingers in the lobby, which is just gross.)
WHW: I think that anyone who honestly thinks that the term "wopeople" is useful terminology has bigger problems than who is using their bathroom.
Jeanine: Isn't it the job of the custodial staff to clean up after people? Rather an ironic sign.
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