
December 31, 2020

Keep Your 2020 Vision

It seems like a lot of people view "2020" as the personification of their pandemic problems.  Maybe that's how we cope with uncertainty, fear, and change.  We give it a name and make it a scapegoat.

Hey, 2020, give us back our toilet paper!

Hey, 2020, please put your mask all the way over your nose.  That's it.  Good.

Hey, 2020, I think you're on mute.  Could you just click the...?  Yeah, that's better.  Thank you. 

Everyone I know is ready for 2020 to be over.  Including myself.

Yet as we wrap up this past year, and as I write this for posterity, there are a few things about 2020 that I hope we never forget.

We were resilient.  We stood toe to toe with hard times, and we found ways to fight past them.

We were creative.  We solved problems we hadn't even dreamed about with very little notice and often limited resources.

We embraced technology in a new way.  We had to step out of our comfort zones, but look at us now on Zoom and Teams, in our LMS's and our Google classrooms.  We have expanded our reach without even realizing it.

Yes, 2020 needs to go.  (Don't let the door hit you.)  But I hope we don't lose our 2020 vision.  The world has changed, and we have changed, and we shouldn't allow ourselves to be trapped into merely going back to normal once the pandemic subsides.  We need to take what we've learned and continue to move forward: to be better and to do better and to be the agents of positive change in the world.

Let's hold onto our 2020 vision as we move forward into our new (and hopefully post-pandemic) future.

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