
April 08, 2006

It's Not My Job

Do you ever just want to shout at the top of your lungs, "It's not my job to find out _______ for you! I don't even know how you found me, but I am totally not the person who should be helping you with that problem. Go find the person whose job it is to help you and leave me alone"???

This is what I get for checking the ePort email address on a Saturday night....

And of course, I did the "responsible" thing and answered her very rude email politely and forwarded her request to the person who will be able to help her. But can I just vent a moment longer? I don't understand (a) why people make their procrastination someone else's problem and (b) why people email an 8-5 business TWICE on a weekend evening panicking because they need something right away and couldn't bother to plan ahead. I understand once. You send in your email and hope someone will read it first thing Monday morning. But seriously. Do you really think we're in the office all night on the weekends just to answer your questions???


Anonymous said...

This is pure gold. I hope you don't mind me crashing your blog! I missed you today. I hope you're feeling better!

Jana Swartwood said...

You are welcome on my blog anytime. :)