
May 17, 2006

Jesus As "Christian" Par Excellence?

This is an actual quote in a high school essay that I'm currently scoring:

"Jesus is an excellent example of a Christian that had a great influence in the world."

My thought: Really? How is it that Jesus could be a Christian if the very definition of the word means "follower of Christ"? How can you follow Christ and be Christ at the same time?

Wasn't He a Jew (I mean, other than being the Son of God)? What was all that about not coming to abolish the Law but to fulfill it?

Anyway. These essays must be getting to me. Carry on with your lives. :)

1 comment:

Coley said...

I think that is hilarious! What are they teaching our kids these days? I am constantly asking myself, "What has happened to the educational system of America?" What I want to know is, did this student learn that in their private Christian school, or is that a philosophy they picked up from their church, or perhaps even something that they heard their parents say? Because no matter the answer to that question, something is terribly wrong with what our high school students are being taught.