
June 26, 2006

My Roommate is an Assessment Genius

Seriously. Becky just got back from a conference on smaller learning communities, and she has all these wonderful ideas for implementing assessment techniques into her math classes that might actually promote learning and mastery. Imagine that. We had this amazing conversation about it at dinner. Some of these ideas are so outside the box that they almost seem crazy, but they seem crazy enough that they just might work!

I really think she should try to publish them.

And the most amazing thing to me, really, is that I was part of a lengthy conversation on educational assessment...and I enjoyed it. I was able to interract intellectually in the discussion. In another lifetime, I wouldn't have cared a bit. It's funny how your life makes tiny corrections, adjusting to the twists and turns of its road, and suddenly you find yourself in a place where things that never interested you can claim a significant portion of your attention.

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