
July 13, 2006

To Grade Assignments Or To Write Poetry

I always get poetic inspiration driving on 61st street between Lewis and Harvard when it's dark and my windows are rolled down. Tonight was no exception, especially because I had spent twilight playing "photographer" around campus to use up my film so I could get my Ren. Faire pictures developed, and even more because this morning, I saw the coolest thing.

It was sunny when I left the house, but midway through my drive, it started pouring (while the sun was still shining). Not only was there a rainbow in the sky, but when the car in front of me kicked up some water from the road, it became a short mist of rainbow above the road.

Really cool. Really something I want to incorporate into a poem I'm thinking through (trying to make sure the metaphors fit and all that).

But instead of writing when I got home, I decided that I needed to grade correspondence assignments instead. I know I did the "responsible" thing, but it's a little sad to feel the muse leave you. At least I made notes while I was driving....

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