
July 23, 2006

A Victim Of Some-Enchanted-Evening-Itis

Oh, yes, my friends, there is such a thing as some-enchanted-evening-itis. (I coined the term myself, which makes me an expert.) I will tell you right now: it is a malady not often overcome by medicine.

The thing is, I'm not in love right now. I want to be, but I'm not. And it's ok. But I am in love with the idea of being in love. I find dating to be a pointless activity, but I dream that someday someone will see me across a crowded room, and I will see him, and everything will get all faded and rose-colored and we'll just know. (I went to a wedding this evening, which is why I am thinking of such things.)

I realize that isn't necessarily real life. But if that's the case, then perhaps I'm just not cut out for "real" life.

Maybe I listened to too many Rogers and Hammerstein musicals as a child, but all I want to do is to keep waiting for the orchestra music to swell....


Jeanine said...

Ah, Princess Jana -- you can't help it. You're a poet, after all. :)

Coley said...

There is NO such thing as too many Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals!

I understand about some-enchanted-evening-itis. I've had it many times before.

I knew there was a romantic side of that oh-so-logical brain of yours!