
August 10, 2006

The Post That Really Has No Good Title

Things I Disliked About Today

Being caught in the middle of a situation at work that should have been dealt with long before it reached me...and being powerless to do anything about it because I wasn't sure I could tell what I knew because the person involved hadn't been told anything by the person who should have talked to her in the first place.

Being so exhausted that I literally lost my ability to count and read coherently this afternoon (and for an editor, that's really bad news!).

Inviting myself along to an outing that I wasn't invited to. (I didn't mean to...when it was first mentioned, it honestly sounded like I was being invited. But I wasn't. I felt really bad. I mean, I enjoyed being out with the people I went out with. I just felt like I should have discerned that I wasn't invited before I opened my mouth.)

Realizing (after just now reading an email) that I have a couple more exams to get ready by tomorrow because apparently we're giving the online exams next week as well as the correspondence exams...not that anyone else in my department knows that at this point. OY.

Dealing with the general lack of communication and office chaos surrounding life, construction, registration, and everything in between.

Reading online about the thwarted terror plot in London and the elevated security levels because of it. I mean, I'm so happy they caught it before something bad happened, but it scares me to think that there are so many people in the world who have no qualms about murdering innocent people.

Things I Liked About Today

Lunching at Chick-Fil-A with Jennifer (even though they didn't give us an ORU discount like Gary promised they would). And singing Wicked in the car! I love that I get to work with someone who loves Broadway musicals as much as I do!

Leaving work just after 5:00 p.m., because woah, that has not been the norm for the week (or ever).

Getting "carded" at WalMart while purchasing cough medicine. It was hilarious! Because seriously, I know I've always looked young for my age, but surely I look like I'm over 18 by now!!!

Realizing that my cough medicine is probably going to be a result. :) Just kidding.

Getting authorization from my boss to take most of the day off tomorrow (if I can get a handle on those darn exams).

In Summation

Not the best day, not the worst day. Not the most poetic day, not the most braindead day. Somewhere in between the mix of daily work insanity and the beauty inherent in life. With hope (and perhaps an oil change) for the future.

1 comment:

Becky Davis said...

FYI--I'm glad that you invited yourself along. I could enjoy myself a little more. ;)