The title says it all, doesn't it? Well, I'm back to working long hours in an effort to get an ePortfolio report finished...a report that probably isn't as significant or important or necessary as a month of work for me (and two for Jen) has made it seem.
It's almost anti-climactic to finish something at work. In school, it's a mad rush to cram in all the research and write till your brain shuts off and your fingers turn numb. Then you turn in the paper and wait for your grade. And if your work was satisfactory, hopefully you'll earn a grade that reflects it. But no matter what, you get your paper back. You get a grade. You get a moment to reflect on your least, usually.
It's not like that where I work, even though you'd think academia would work that way. Every finished project gets a "Good," maybe a "Thank you." And then, without pausing to bask in the glory of the finished work, it's on to the next thing. There's no space to enjoy the day's victory. Any momentary release gets shoved under another stack of papers.
We're not finished yet. We'll be finished with the preliminary stuff by tomorrow afternoon's meeting (that is, unless the 9:30 a.m. staff meeting ruins the entire morning's productivity).
Sometimes it's hard to know when too much is too much. Sometimes I think my life is a play, and I'm waiting for the script to direct the main character to swoon in the heat and collapse onto the floor. At least then rest would come.
Swoon. Splat. End scene. Then, hopefully, resuscitation.
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