
September 05, 2006

Finding a Smile in the Midst of Great Despair

Well, I made it through the day without doing anything regrettable. I'm sure when I look back on my life years from now, I will be glad for that.

I ran into a colleague in the hallway today--someone I kind of know on sight but don't actually "know" know. I had to be in the worst shape possible: I had stayed up till 3 a.m. doing my Hebrew (so I was a walking zombie), and I was so upset over what happened that I had actually thrown up this morning. Not good.

But I guess I tend to smile at people in the halls even if I'm having a terrible day, because he stopped and said, "I love how you're always smiling." All I could think was, "How can he say that? How can my smiling at him have any value at all when I am this upset about life and work and everything?"

I suppose it's a good reminder that no matter how bad things are, we can still choose how we treat the people around us. We can choose not to take out our problems on them. We can choose to spread joy even when all we're feeling is angry and emotional.

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