
October 18, 2006

Three Times A Bridesmaid...DO NOT Fill In The Rest

I'm happy to announce that my dear friend Nicole is getting married this weekend. Of course, anyone who reads this blog and knows her probably already knows this, but I figured I'd say it publicly anyway. Because I'm really happy for her, that she and Stan found each other in this cold, lonely world, and that there is such great potential for them to be happy for the rest of their lives.

Of course, whenever I think of weddings, I think of The Princess Bride and, " what bwings us" And that makes me smile.

Other thoughts about weddings aren't always so fond. Such as the inevitable question, "So, are you next?"

Because I never have a clue how to answer that question. I know that marriage is not the end fulfillment of life. I know that whether I marry or remain single, my life has purpose and destiny--perhaps such that I could better accomplish alone, anyway.

But I don't want to be alone forever. I think, despite my shortcomings (and of course, tragic flaws), that I would make some man a wonderful wife. I just wish that someone of some measure of potential would decide to present himself...step out on a limb and go for it. Or that I would be able to stop wishing.


Oberon said...

.......your day will come.

Coley said...

I know about the longing. I really do. And I know about the hopelessness. I know that your turn is coming. I just believe it. (And don't believe that crap about it coming when you aren't looking for it, either.) It just happens when it happens, whether you're looking for it or not. That's just the way it goes.

Anyway, I'm praying for you! And, I'll see you tomorrow!

Christie said...

Hi. I'm finally back on the internet. From someone who is married and now has a child, I often wonder what I'm missing out on BECAUSE I'm married and a mommy. Have I missed my chance to accomplish what God had planned for me because I chose this life? Its too late for me to backpack through Europe or become a singing sensation. I could still do these things, but I would have to leave my family behind and I'm not willing to do that.
No, marriage is not the end all for life. But it kind of is. Does that make sense?
Eventually, I'l get around to updating my own blog! :)