So here we are, post-Thanksgiving, nearing the start of December and definitely headfirst already into the Christmas season. I'm sure we all have different memories and special traditions this time of year. My favorite: Christmas music.
But I'm curious. It seems as though there are a lot of different opinions about Christmas music...whether it should be traditional or creative, classical or rock, played all year round or just played during the month of December.
What do you guys think? Comments are welcome! What are your favorite songs? Parameters for the playing of Christmas music? Most annoying Christmas music pet peeves?
For example, I am reminded each Christmas season how I detest the music of Mannheim Steamroller. It's like they want to be classical, but not. They throw in odd rhythms and techno sounds that you'd think would be cool but instead come off as an awkward throwback to the 80s. And yet people adore them...and play them everywhere!!! Drives me nuts.
I love hearing a good choir sing Christmas carols. Or Britten's Ceremony of Carols. I also really like original songs...if they're not cheesy. What's that one song? "Last Christmas I gave you my gave it away...blah blah blah...this Christmas I'll give it to someone special." Seriously, why do they still play that song? But they do.
Who's next? Comment away....
I've always loved "The Christmas Song" (chestnuts roasting...) and "Santa Baby" (because it's fun). I'm sure I'll think of others later. Oh, also the Hallelujah Chorus. Nothing else says Christmas like that.
I'm afraid I'm a little jaded about Christmas music after too many decades of cheesy "Holiday Pops" concerts, not to mention mall muzak. I much prefer "the playing of the merry organ, sweet singing in the choir" as the song goes. The words so many of the traditional carols are so rich with meaning; when they're sung well and thoughtfully, there isn't much better. When you add in the multitude of really good Christmas anthems, motets, etc., being in a choir at Christmas is pretty wonderful.
There are some wonderful instrumental works, too: one of my favorites is "The Adoration of the Magi" from "Botticelli Tryptich" by Ottorino Respighi. It's a musical setting of the Botticelli painting of the same name, and it's wonderful to listen to. You can almost hear the camels.
And then there's Gian-Carlo Menotti's marvelous "Amahl and the Night Visitors." It's the only made-for-TV opera that I know of, and when I was growing up, it was broadcast every Christmas season.
So with all that treasure to choose from, why is none of it in my folder for this year's "Holiday Pops"? Sigh.
It's like there's some unspoken conspiracy to "muzak" us all to the point where Christmas music has no real meaning. Though I have to say I'd love to hear an orchestra do anything right now, even a "Holiday Pops" concert.
Christie, you're so right. It's just not Christmas without the Hallelujah Chorus. I miss singing that. (Actually, I've always secretly wanted to sing the bass line. They have the funnest part. Yes, I know "funnest" isn't a proper word. I don't care.)
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