The real reason for this post is that I wrote a poem this evening. Hope you like it!
it is a gift that she holds in her hand
small, but rarely fragile
(though he may think it so)
like fleet-footed Atlanta
she outwits the weak
when not even golden apples
on the roadside
can turn her head
she fears submission as loss
she fears loss as death
she fears death as invisibility
the way of her heart
likens to a tango:
arm against arm,
thigh against thigh,
strength against strength,
no less than this will yield
the willful acquiescence of self
when she gently places her hand in his
© 2006 Jana Swartwood
Hey! What about your friend Christie? Remember me?!? I know things too!!!
Actually, I have to look up the words b/c its been five years since I sang it at Becca wedding and I've done a lot since then.
Sorry! :)
Totally no offense meant! I listed Mary and Laura because I knew they had performed it at a recital (and sang it at our last Broadway Night). I don't think I knew you had ever worked it up, though I'm not surprised. Thankfully, it is no longer in my head (and has been replaced by the Charlie Brown theme song, which doesn't have French words--or words at all--to worry about). :)
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