"Wavering between the profit and the loss, in this brief transit where the dreams cross, the dreamcrossed twilight between birth and dying." (T. S. Eliot)
November 16, 2006
An Oft-Wondered Question Without Any Sort of A Clear Answer
Is it ever too late to just quit your job, drop out of school, pack your bags, and move to...Canada...to become a penniless (but happy) writer?
Of course you would say its too late, Becky--you don't want to lose your roomate! But seriously, Jai, don't you think you could pick somewhere better than Canada? Why Canada?!?
Yes. It is too late.
Nope. Never.
Of course you would say its too late, Becky--you don't want to lose your roomate! But seriously, Jai, don't you think you could pick somewhere better than Canada? Why Canada?!?
PS--If it will make you happier, go for it.
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