
March 31, 2007

More For The Bus Drivers

In continuation of my previous post....

School bus drivers would be closely monitored as to their record of promptness and their passengers' achievement of posted objectives. Each year, a national organization would evaluate each school's busing system to determine its effectiveness. Schools whose busing scores fell below a required 70% success rate would lose some of their funding. In some cases, this might mean that bus drivers would have to purchase their own diesel fuel for their respective buses.

One might argue that they shouldn't have to buy fuel with their own money, but the schools would be unable to pay for it, and so if the bus drivers didn't want their scores to fall any lower, they would be forced to do whatever it took to get the kids to school each day, even if it meant fueling their own buses.

1 comment:

stan said...

Don't forget that the drivers would need to spend many years getting a bus driving degree, and would be required to earn their master's within a certain amount of time...