Ok, so I'm on the side of morning that I never like to see: the dark side. No Star Wars pun intended. If I've got this straight, I had maybe four hours of sleep Sunday night (the night I intended to pull an all-nighter to write this dang paper and then let myself fall asleep), no sleep Monday night, and now it's Tuesday morning (though it doesn't seem like it yet).
I've got maybe a paragraph left to write...and the bibliography to finish. Then we can cross the Psalms paper off the list.
Tonight I should pull another all-nighter for paper #2, except I don't know if I am capable of staying awake for such a continous period of time. And of course, there's no missing work in April, because the deadlines are worse than anything for my classes.
Every semester, I tell myself that I'm too old for all-nighters...that I'm a grad student, and thus, I should be responsible and do my papers ahead of time so I'm not so close to the wire getting them finished. Every semester, this happens.
So, stay tuned. And please pray for me, if you think of it, that I don't do anything stupid because I'm so tired. Have a happy day!
I'm afraid I'm reading this a little late to pray for this specific concern, but you're often in my prayers on a general basis. I hope your papers turned out well, you didn't do anything stupid, and that you're now somewhat better rested.
I don't know as many grad students as I did 30+ years ago, but even then, all-nighters were considered part of the routine. (Of course, they were almost all musicians, which seems to make a difference. Not sure why [grin].) And the ones I do know today (D. & E., and of course you and J.) seem to pull them pretty regularly. So please don't feel -- um, non-standard? -- about your end-of-term activities.
Hey, I've never pulled an all-nighter in my life! Perhaps a string of extremely-brief-mustn't-waste-time-sleeping nights, but never have I been awake _all_ night! So, young JMS, let me be an example to you...
No, really, that's not a very good idea. Just get some sleep sometime, okay? :)
But falling asleep at the church after playing the piano until the wee hours of the morning is normal, Ms. Example? :)
Good news: I'm sleeping now. Thank you both for your prayers. Exams are this week, but they don't require the same intensity as papers, so I'm feeling fairly optimistic.
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