"Wavering between the profit and the loss, in this brief transit where the dreams cross, the dreamcrossed twilight between birth and dying." (T. S. Eliot)
September 09, 2007
Hypothetically Speaking...
Is it legal to shoot a hunting bow/arrow within city limits? Within a neighborhood? In a backyard, aimed at a house?
not in new mexico. You'd have to find out what it is in OK. In NM, you can't shoot (gun or bow & arrow) within something like 150 ft. of a "dwelling." Who's shooting bows and arrows at you?!
Nobody's shooting at me. The new renters next door have started having hunting bow practice in their backyard. They are shooting at their (rented) house. Now, I know it's brick, but still! There's not much space between the houses.
Not to mention, it feels a little weird. Like, what if their hand slipped and the arrow went somewhere else? Like into the house, or into a person?
If it's that nearby, you might go ahead and call the cops. They always have a non-emergency number, and see what they say. There is usually a crime of recklessly endangering the public or something to that effect, even if the actual shooting of the arrows is not outlawed. At the very least, cops showing up and telling them to knock it off may end the problem.
not in new mexico. You'd have to find out what it is in OK. In NM, you can't shoot (gun or bow & arrow) within something like 150 ft. of a "dwelling." Who's shooting bows and arrows at you?!
Um, I don't think it could possibly be legal.
Seriously, who's shooting arrows at you?
What did you do to the neighbors?
Nobody's shooting at me. The new renters next door have started having hunting bow practice in their backyard. They are shooting at their (rented) house. Now, I know it's brick, but still! There's not much space between the houses.
Not to mention, it feels a little weird. Like, what if their hand slipped and the arrow went somewhere else? Like into the house, or into a person?
If it's that nearby, you might go ahead and call the cops. They always have a non-emergency number, and see what they say. There is usually a crime of recklessly endangering the public or something to that effect, even if the actual shooting of the arrows is not outlawed. At the very least, cops showing up and telling them to knock it off may end the problem.
Good luck!
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