
March 15, 2008

Evidence That I'm Weird you needed more. (Oops, those of you who don't know me well didn't know that, did you? Well, the cat's out of the bag now.)

So, here's the thing. I like iTunes a lot, and one of the many reasons for this is that I can see the date/time that I last played each song. I really don't know WHY this is significant information, but I find it interesting that iTunes wants to tell me, so I pay attention to it.

But that's not why I'm weird.

I am weird because I have a compulsive desire to see that all songs have been played AT LEAST once. It seems WRONG somehow for a song to go unplayed, even if it is a song that I don't particularly like. It's like the song never got a chance to live its life, just sitting there, unplayed.

So on occasions where I'm at the computer for an extended period of time (such as tonight, while I attempt to catch up on my SLLE grading), I find it interesting--no, NECESSARY--to sort songs alphabetically by title and then just go down the list, playing ONLY the songs that have never been played, even if it means listening to weird recitatives from Bizet's opera Carmen or skipping songs I would normally want to listen to.

Am I the only person who does this?


Ruth said...

I'm sure I don't know any other people who do this...My sister may do this, though...If she had an ipod.

Christie said...

Statistically speaking, I'm sure there has to be someone else who also does this. But I don't know them. I actually remove songs from my iPod that I don't like or haven't listened to at all. (But not my iTunes.)