
April 19, 2008

I Am Saturated With The Endless Sound

Well, I wasn't going to post this one quite yet because I still feel like there are some imperfections to be ironed out. But since Nicole tagged me to help celebrate National Poetry Month (April), I decided that since this was the newest poem I had written, I'd go ahead and put it out here. Hope you enjoy!

I am saturated with the endless sound

I am saturated with the endless sound
of anything, nothing
wretched spawn of wasted breath,
volume turned up and voices blaring

Dull mechanical hums, electric current
wrenching distracted immortality
from my feeble grasp

If you squeezed me like a sponge
I would surge with rivers of
nothing, anything,
noise sounds words voices

Nothing from the stillness

Like a shrink on her couch
pencil in hand,
glasses on nose:

I hear the babble
and parrot it back

Yet my heart longs to leap
into the night, letting luminosity unfold
the untold stories of silence

© 2008 Jana Swartwood

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