
May 28, 2008

Crashing with the Valkyries

So, this morning, I was listening to the classical radio station on the drive to work, and the DJ informed me of something rather interesting that I had never heard before. He said that some group of people somewhere took a poll of what song was playing on the radio when they got into a car crash, and you know what it was? "The Ride of the Valkyries" by Richard Wagner.

Now, I think this piece of music is great fun, but I'm just trying to wrap my mind around the concept. People aren't getting into crashes while listening to hip-hop, apparently, or rock, or even country. But I tell you what: all you need to do is crank up some opera and it's danger everywhere, folks!


Anonymous said...

O, the possible responses to this one, rather like Cyrano's list of nasal insults...

The Classical Snob: Everyone knows it takes more concentration to listen to classical music, so it's much more distracting than that other mindless drivel.

The Perfect Anti-Wagnerite (apologies to GBS): The sound of cars crashing is a perfect counterpoint to that anti-Semite's self-important noisemongering. If everyone listened to Mozart, there would be no car crashes.

The Oblivious: I don't think the radio was really on, but maybe it was, but then I went to a concert and they played that and it sounded *just* like when my car crashed, so the radio must have been on, right?
The Oblivious, II: Ride of the -- humm, that's that thing they're always playing that sounds like a cartoon, isn't it? Or wait a minute, is it the one they play when the stars are going around in a circle above somebody's head?

The Statistician: Obviously they only polled people who have The Opera Channel (tm) on the satellite radios in their SUVs. And since we all know that everyone who owns an SUV is a terrible driver, the results were predictable.

The Boor: Personally, I think Lady Godiva would be lots more distracting than the Valkyries. I mean, have you seen the average Brunnhilde?

The Music Critic: That had to be the Lower North Leichtenstein Phil recording under Heilige Dankgesang in '74. Can't blame 'em: makes me want to ram my car into something every time I remember it.

Jana Swartwood said...

These are HILARIOUS!!! I think my favorite is the Statistician. Excellent!