
September 21, 2008

Olympic Rewind

I know that it's been forever since I blogged, and to all of my loyal and faithful fans (ha ha), I do offer my most sincere apologies. While I will attempt to be better at posting current posts, this one is long overdue and must come first.

One sunny afternoon during the Olympics, Becky and I had a discussion wherein we speculated on the randomness of some of the Olympic events and wondered what new events might be added to future games. Out of the midst of such wonderings came a list, "Becky and Jana's Top Ten List of Events That Aren't Currently Part of the Olympics--But Should Be."

1. Blindfolded synchronized standing (balance is everything)
2. Steak knife fencing
3. Individual and team competitive watersliding (pretty much the same as the luge, right?)
4. Pole dancing
5. Guitar Hero
6. City driving (two categories: small car and SUV)
7. Paper airplane toss
8. Bird calling
9. Joust (Who says it's only for Renaissance Faires?)
10. Cow Tipping

There are a few others of honorable (or dishonorable) mention, which did not make the official list for various and sundry reasons and yet are being included on this blog because it's my blog and I can write whatever I want.

11. All-around Wii Sports
12. White board writing
13. Speed pooping

Lastly, we determined that that someone needed to petition the International Olympic Committee to add one final event to the Fencing category:

14. Light saber fencing

Any thoughts on other non-events that should really be added to the next Olympics?


Christie said...

OMG! I totally burst out laughing at "speed pooping." I seem to have a very vivid imagination...

As a former teacher with a white board, I think white board writing would be a great one--it takes a lot of skill to write neatly and evenly without accidentally erasing what you've already written.

Pole dancing?!?! I think that might create some daytime television issues with the FCC. I wonder if the outfits would have sparkles. Surely there would be outfits...

Jana Swartwood said...

Oh, speed pooping is definitely the favorite among all of these choices. The only reason why it didn't make the official list is that it is, in itself, quite problematic. People can consume so many legal (not to mention, illegal) substances to affect the outcome. Not to mention, what are the criteria for judging? And how could the audience feel like they are participating in the event if (as I hope) they wouldn't actually be able to watch it?

Yes, quite problematic. You make some good points about the pole dancing as well. I think there would definitely need to be costumes with sparkles.

Anonymous said...

I definitely think caber tossing. Wearing kilts, of course. (Perhaps done as a pairs sport, in tandem with pole dancing? Hmmm...)