
October 06, 2010

Once Upon a Time, There Was a Dog...

What a great way to begin a very bad story: "Once upon a time, there was a dog."

Is this a dog story? Is it a story about a person who gets attacked by a dog? Does it have nothing at all to do with a dog, but the dog appears in the first line merely as a hook to grab the reader? There are probably so many ways you could go with that story, but I can't foresee any of them being good.

So why am I writing about a dog? Because I don't know what else to tell you.

I would rather speculate about poorly written dog stories than tell you the real things. Or maybe I want to tell you the real things, but you are Internet (with a capital The), and I can't tell whether you mean to do me harm by sharing my secrets with strangers (or worse, certain family and certain colleagues) or whether you mean to help nurture my creativity back to health by sharing the best of me with a someday-soon-to-be-adoring audience.

You are big, Internet, and so very, very open. And sometimes you frighten me.

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