Observation #1: This evening, as I was filling up my car, I set the gasoline pump on auto-pump and it stopped precisely on $20.00. Not a cent over or a cent under, or as more often happens to me, thirty-two cents over or seven cents under. I always try to get my gas price to land exactly on an even dollar (or quarter) amount, and sometimes I fail even when I'm squeezing the pump at the end, trying to get the price to hit a certain number. But this time, without trying, I hit not just a quarter number, or a dollar number, or a five-dollar number, but a ten-dollar number. Exactly on the mark. Emphasis on without trying. I wasn't even touching it.
Observation #2: Also this evening, I attempted to close my driver's side window by pressing the button that works the passenger-side window (which was already closed). Needless to say, nothing happened.
And I couldn't help but reflect on these seemingly insignificant events.
Conclusion #1: You can try and try and try to make something happen, but it probably won't happen until it's meant to happen. You cannot control or even predict things like this. And 999 times out of 1000, the thing you're trying for, wishing for, hoping for will not happen--or maybe you can force something similar to happen, but it won't be right and it won't last. But when the right time comes, it will happen. Whatever "it" happens to be. And just as God allows the 999 times, He grants you that 1000th time as if to say, "I really do see you. I've known all along when it's going to happen. You just have to trust me to know that it is going to happen."
Conclusion #2: You can try and try and try to accomplish something, but if you're not pushing the right button (i.e., if you're not looking to the appropriate source), all you're going to end up with is a very sore finger.
Apply this to whatever you want.
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