
January 30, 2006


When you don't want to study Hebrew, you write in your blog.... :)

Seriously, I don't know what's wrong with me (other than the fact that I just got home at 9:00 and haven't had a moment to wind down from the day until now. Yeah, there's a quiz tomorrow over words that I learned on a few drives to work (it's amazing how the human mind can stretch...I actually learned two lessons of words on the 22-minute drive one morning last week). Problem is, retention isn't so hot. So many of the words are looking less than familiar tonight.

So here I sit, procrastinating. How are you today? Did anything exciting happen in your world? My world has only a few highlights.

1. My new contacts arrived...finally. I say "finally" not because they took so long in the mail but because it took so long for me to finally sit down and order them. It's nice to be able to see without your eyes hurting.

2. I finally got a desk chair to replace the broken one I left behind at the time of the move. (No more sitting on the piano bench...or I should say, now I can put the piano bench to better use and actually sit down and play occasionally.) Put the chair together last night all by myself except I couldn't get the wheels to pop all the way into the base (where are the men when you need them?). Thankfully, Becky was able to assist.

3. I am currently wearing bright blue socks. I thought you might want to know.

4. I was wearing special, thick running socks when I jogged this evening, but for some reason my left shoe started eating at my heel again. Blood on sock and shoe. Skin all torn up. Really, I'm just quite thankful I'm not Achilles so it isn't fatal!

5. Weirdness is happening at work with regard to office space (again). Am struggling to maintain sense of perspective in light of the fact that most of the decision-makers are completely out of touch with reality.

6. I cut out coffee and replaced it with chai, and I actually ate 3 meals today, which will make Jennifer very happy. (When I left for lunch one day last week, she told me to "make good decisions." And I needed that.... I believe that was the day I ate Combos and Mt. Dew for breakfast, which apparently some people find gross, but I enjoyed.)

7. In my current state of procrastination, I just ended up on Notre Dame's website. Looked at their Medieval Studies program...longingly. Discovered that they offer intensive language courses during the summer (including Latin, which is what I'm looking for), and these classes are open to students from other universities. Discovered also that nobody in the 100-mile radius of where I live offers Latin except for a community college. Saddened and dismayed greatly by this news. Inspired to apply for the intensive Latin course at Notre Dame, but probably next summer rather than this summer. Depending on when I decide to start taking Greek.

That's about it for me, except for a discussion topic, which I leave with you now. I was talking to one of my very good friends this afternoon, and she thought this might be a good subject for the blog to explore. I plan to write some on it later, but I thought I'd give you guys a chance to respond first. Question: At what point does someone become your boyfriend (as opposed to being just someone you hang out with, someone you like, someone who you go out with casually, etc.)? What is the determining factor for relationship status?


Christie said...
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Christie said...

Having been in a very interesting "friendship" in the past, I have to say that someone becomes your boyfriend when there is a committment by both parties to be exclusive. No matter how close you are to someone, unless they are willing to commit to you on some level (whether it be exculsive dating, introducing each other as "boyfriend" or "girlfriend", engagement, or marriage) you can't call them your significant other. Even couples that are sexually involved can be "just friends."

Christie said...

Congrats on cutting out the coffee, but chai has caffine too because it's made using black tea. Sorry!

Coley said...

That is an interesting question. And the terrible answer is that it depends entirely upon the two people involved in the relationship. With some, it is the point where both say, "We're not seeing anyone else except one another." With others, it is the point where one or the other decides that since the relationship has become exclusive they might actually be brave enough to say those big words. Every relationship is not as cut and dried as, "We're exclusive, so that must mean he/she is my boyfriend/girlfriend." Furthermore, not everyone discusses those issues. Sometimes they just become reality as the relationship progresses. Ultimately, it is the point where you say it out loud. Whether that be the moment of decision of exclusion, or whether that be later when the exclusiveness is just what you are with that person.

Jana Swartwood said...

For the record, I wasn't trying to cut out caffeine. (I'm way past believing I can actually maintain something like that.) I was just trying to avoid paying $4 a cup for Starbucks. Which, by the way, I did well on for 2 days and then fell off the wagon today. :)

amcorrea said...

"Weirdness is happening at work with regard to office space (again). Am struggling to maintain sense of perspective in light of the fact that most of the decision-makers are completely out of touch with reality."

Wow, thanks for the laugh! We were housed in a closet at one point. Where are they trying to stick you now?

Jana Swartwood said...

Well, it's a combination of two different things. First, College/Career (CCGC) hired a new employee, so there's been discussion of what might be done to find him an office. Did you know that CCGC is in our area now? My old "big" office is now the conference room, Dr. King's old office is the CCGC computer lab, and the old conference room and Dr. Holzmann's old office (as you would remember them) are CCGC staff offices. Anyway, I think that situation can be resolved pretty painlessly except for one minor detail.

There is a proposal on the table that would expand the Java Stop, and in so doing, eliminate that whole chunk of space from the dept. lobby through the entirety of what is currently CCGC. So.... No one knows what's going to happen. Such an expansion would have to be approved by many people, as I'm sure you can imagine, so it may be a long time before we have to worry. Or it may not be. Or it may never be approved. It's hard to say.

But thanks for providing the sense of perspective. Whatever happens, it's not a closet. Yet. :)