
February 23, 2006

Profound Realizations

Some clean laundry is better than no clean laundry.

Some Pneumatology reading completed is better than no Pneumatology reading completed.

Some sleep is better than no sleep. Adequate sleep is better than some sleep. Great sleep is better than anything else I can think of at this moment.

With that, I bid you good night. I'm off to try to get that great sleep I've been longing for. Wish me luck, and say a prayer for me if you think of it! I sort of hurt my right hamstring running tonight. I'm sure it'll be fine by morning, but just in case....


Anonymous said...

so hows your hammy?

Jana Swartwood said...

Better...thanks for asking. That next morning it still hurt, but I was able to walk without a noticeable limp. I ran on it Friday, which aggravated it a bit more, so I just walked today, and I'm not feeling any more pain. So, I think I'm on the mend. :)

Christie said...

So, does this mean that a partially clean house is better than none of the house being clean? Because my obsessive, perfectionistic self just can't accept that. That's why my house is alwasy such a mess--because I don't have time to clean the whole thing, so why bother at all?