
February 26, 2006

Poultry Research

As a result of a rather odd dinner conversation that Heidi, Becky, and I had this evening, I have been online for the last hour and half doing research on chickens, how they fertilize their eggs, and a whole bunch of other questions related to, well, chickens. All purely scientific, I assure you!

I was going to start writing on the subject tonight, but I just realized that it's after 2:00 a.m. and I have to get up for church in the morning. So, stay tuned for more information!


Anonymous said...

Darn it! You bet me to it. I did send you and Bec and email today about the chickens conversation. Please let me know more. It's hilarious that we are having this conversation.

Christie said...

While you all are discussing chickens, you might as well discuss bird flu. My Aunt Lynn (the RPN) has sent me TONS of info on it. Apparently, it is more of a threat than most news media are portraying it to be.