By all things scientific and rational, I should have been in a bad accident on my way to work this morning. If I didn't believe in God before this morning, I would be believing right now.
I was driving in the left lane of a street that has steady, but not insane, traffic. The cars to my right were stopped because someone was turning into a church parking lot. Out of said parking lot shot a white church van, whose driver was a woman who neglected to look before jetting out into traffic, past the turning cars and right in front of me. I slammed on my brakes, but we were too close, so I swung out into opposing traffic (which, in retrospect, was probably not the best reaction, but it was the place with the most empty road space since I was blocked to the front and to the right). I should have first hit the church van and then hit the car coming straight at me from the other direction, but somehow everything went into slow motion and I was able to swing back into my lane without making contact with anyone. It took me about 15 minutes to stop shaking.
I am feeling very grateful right now.
Have you ever read "Hinds Feet on High Places"? (Its been a while since I read this, so I hope I'm not messing up the summary.) In this book, the main character goes along and collects a stone for each of the experiences she faces on her journey. She later realizes that in each experience God was with her and the stones she collected are reminders of God's love and faithfulness.
Here's to another stone in your collection!
Thank goodness you're okay! Crazy Tulsa drivers!
Anyway, isn't it wonderful to know that God is constantly surrounding us with a hedge of protection?
I'm so glad you're okay. I need you to pay the rent. :) :)
You know I'm not serious (well, not really). I'd be sad if you were hurt, plus I'd worry about whether or not you had enough health insurace to cover your medical pills. Hmmmm...I wonder if you go injured if you could get food stamps. Free groceries!!!!
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