
April 12, 2006

Ten Pages Isn't Enough

I'm allowing myself this one brief post and then nothing until my paper is finished. For those of you keeping track, it really is coming along. I'm a couple pages in. The problem is one I've rarely encountered, actually. There isn't enough room to do justice to the topic, so I'm having to really organize the paper well so I can say all (or most) of what I want to say without sounding like I'm just dealing out bullet points.

For the record, Courier New is the most uninspirational font on the planet. Even Comic Sans (Jennifer) is better. Not much better, but slightly. It takes up an enormous amount of space on the page, and when your professor literally will stop reading at the end of page 10 no matter how many pages you have written, you realize quickly that you're not going to have room to say a heck of a lot.

In other news, I'm apparently singing a solo along with the choir on Easter. I think I'm excited. I mean, I am excited. It's just not something I'm accustomed to doing, so I'm a little nervous. (Actually, my initial reaction was, "Dang it! Now I have to get some sleep so I'll have a voice.") Any tips for overcoming stage fright? And don't say "picture the audience in their underwear," because I've tried that before, and it's just gross.

Anyway, I guess I should get back to my paper. To those of you whom I'm completely ignoring this week (that would be all of you), I really will crawl out of my hermitage sometime soon. Until then, hi! Hope you're having a good week!


Christie said...

My only advice for stage fright is get a lot of the nervous energy out before you sing (I like to jump up and down and work out the nerves) and then once you start make sure you are taking good breaths--really focus on breathing and support and that tends to get your mind off other things.

I'm so proud of you! I know you'll do great! (And yes, get some sleep!!!)

Jana Swartwood said...

Breathing...that's a good word. I remember back in the early days of just singing on the mics, whenever I'd feel nervous I'd just focus on breath support. Thanks for reminding me. :)

I'm excited about it...I just hope I don't sound completely awful in rehearsal tonight (I didn't get any sleep last night). We'll see!