
September 20, 2006

I Have Discovered The Coolest Job On The Planet

This morning as I was driving to work, I started noticing the different fonts that automobile makers use to display their cars' names. Seriously, they're all different. Honda, Toyota, Ford...and it's not just a different font for each make. It's a different font for each model, and maybe even some different fonts for different years of a model. My favorite: Isuzu Rodeo. I did a little searching online, but sadly, I couldn't find a picture, so you'll have to just keep your eyes peeled the next time you're out driving.

How cool would it be to be the person who decides: "Ok, I like that font for the Rodeo. Nope, nix that one"? I guess it's the inner editor in me.... Or to get to design the fonts in the first place! I'm not creative enough to actually succeed in that profession, but I still think it sounds cool.

So, life. First of all, thank you so much to those of you who have prayed for me, whether yesterday or just in general. I have felt God's peace through all of this in ways I never could have imagined. My meeting yesterday went well, I think. I felt like I was able to be open with him (at least about some things) and yet approach my position from a rational place. In other words, I was able to maintain self-control so that I didn't say anything that I shouldn't have said.

As for the departmental reorg, it's pretty much established now. In the grand scheme of things, I'm really quite fortunate. I still report to Dr. Hall. I am still doing most of the things I have always done, though I have been asked to figure out which tasks I am doing that "anyone" could do and let those tasks go so that I can be more focused on the tasks that "only Jana can do." It's a reasonable request, I think. The sad part is that I am losing my Curriculum Assistant...they are turning that position into a receptionist, and Jen can either take it or leave it. I really hate that she is getting hit with that. And I really hate that I'm losing her help. She has been a true godsend this last year. It's hard to think of maintaining a similar level of productivity without her...though I suppose bricks without straw have always been our business.

The best thing about my meeting was that I think my VP and I are at a place of understanding where we can move forward. One of the things that has bothered me so deeply over the past couple weeks is that I have felt completely devalued and misunderstood. If nothing else, I walked out of that meeting feeling valued and believed, if not understood. I'll take that.

I don't hold a lot of hope that he and I will see eye to eye all that often. I find, as an "always right" sort of person, that there are two types of "always right" people you can deal with. (1) There are those who are always right and pretty much always agree with you. These people you find brilliant. (2) There are those who are always right and pretty much always disagree with you. These people you find infuriating, even if they aren't trying to be. I suspect the latter in this case.

But what do you do? You move forward. All I can do now is pick up the pieces and get back to work. I still think there's one more issue that remains unresolved, and it's the major issue I alluded to earlier in my discussion of dogs and fire hydrants. But I can't worry about that right now. Tomorrow's troubles may come soon enough. Today I will deal with whatever stands before me.

Anyway, that's the basic story. I'm ok. Things are changing. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, ultimately, but for now, I'm going to maintain the status quo. I'm pretty sure the worst is over. If nothing else, I feel like I can get back to my work without there constantly being new things to get upset over...and that is a priceless commodity.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I'm glad everything turned out well. Hey, do you suppose those font-chooser people are hiring? You might have some competition for the opening...