I know that sounds weird, but it's true. It's like sometimes you choose a word, look it up, parse it, and figure out its best meaning, and you write it down and you're like, "Well, ok. One more word done." Then there are other times where you hit the jackpot and the same word goes in three different spots. "There are three T's, Vanna!"
Well, on a different note, I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. I'm not by nature a worrier, but I am completely panicked right now. Even if I weren't up late doing Hebrew, I'd be up late because I'm just very keyed up about whatever is going to happen, even though there's nothing I can do to forestall the inevitable.
I've always identified with the Greek myth of Pandora because I could understand how it must have driven her crazy not to open the box. And then, of course, she did (sorry to ruin the story, folks). Anyway, it's driving me crazy not knowing. I would rather know, even if it's bad.
But my meeting is at 9:30. Several of the other staff are scheduled for an 11:00 meeting. I know he said he'd talk to us first and then communicate his decisions to everyone else, and I know he also said none of us would be losing our jobs per se, just experiencing a change in our job responsibilities. But I'm still freaked out.
Which is weird. Because I'm still at peace about whatever ultimately happens. I'm just freaked out about what will happen in the meeting and how I'll handle myelf if it turns rocky. Please pray for me if you think of it.
I've never translated Hebrew or watched Wheel of Fortune, but now I want to try both :)
I think you'd enjoy Wheel of Fortune for the challenge of trying to figure out which words the letters are making. Hebrew's more fun, but it takes a bit more effort (and a lot more time!) as well.
Really, studying Hebrew makes me want to be one of those crazy people who study 17 different languages and then write new languages (ahem, Professor Tolkien). It's that cool. But it's a lot of work.
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