
October 26, 2006

Why Is It That I'm Incapable Of Making Things Simple?

So yes, I'm writing a paper tonight for my Jewish Apocalyptic Lit. class. And yes, I just started it tonight. It's not a problem, really. Or it shouldn't be.

All my professor wants is a simple 4-8 page historical and textual interraction. Shouldn't be difficult, right? Nope, of course not.

Then why, may I ask, do I feel the need to still come up with an original idea that I can't find in any of the scholarly literature? I don't have anything to prove. These are not English classes. This is not my thesis. And I doubt my classmates will pose much competition for me. Why do I feel the need to research and come up with something "brilliant" when I could just "write a paper" and have done with it?

It's going to be a long night.... I am having a really good time drawing out meaning from a statement in TJudah from The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs that deals with symbolic blessings that the writer(s) of this document saw conferred on each son of Jacob, though. So that's kind of cool.

I am such a nerd. :)

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