
July 11, 2007

These People Make Me Crazy

A while back, I blogged about high schoolers who were confused about Jesus being a "Christian." It was pretty disgusting to me, in fact, but I realize now that it's not just high school students. There are also seminary students who are confused by this.

So I'm sitting in class, and we're talking about the practice of casting lots as seen in both the Old Testament and New Testament (and particularly, with regard to the choice of which guy should succeed Judas as the new 12th disciple).

And my classmate (who shall remain nameless) blurts out:
Hey now, let's talk about Jonah! All those guys on that ship. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they were Christians, but they cast lots anyway.
The correction here, for those who think maybe he was trying to make an intelligent point, is that no, they weren't Christians, because this event occurred way before Christ. And yes, in his tone (and judging from the other sorts of things he says on a regular basis), I really think he didn't know any better.


Becky Davis said...

That is ridiculous for seminary students not to know!!! Seriously, shouldn't they weed these people out before they are admitted to the program. A simple admissons essay should do the trick. I am just astounded by this!

Jana Swartwood said...

You would think....