
February 29, 2008

I Can't Sleep

For that matter, I can't finish my Greek worksheet, and I still haven't taken out the trash. Tomorrow is a big day. The anticipation is unsettling.

Usually, unknowing is preferable. And then you learn things that you wish you'd never learned, and you long to be able to tell someone how things really were. And then you get the opportunity to tell someone, and the fear is almost paralyzing.

I want them to know how things were. I want them to know. They need to know.

But what good comes of it? In the end, I will go back into my office and still have to face these people, these people who at this time can only be characterized by the query, "Et tu, Brut?" and whom Dante might have even seen fit to freeze in solid ice.

The end is a mystery. Yet the inevitability of all of this is certain. I don't want tomorrow to happen. But it's coming whether I accept it or not....

Please pray, if you think of it.

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