
February 21, 2008

On Grad School Right Now

So I opened my Hotmail junk mail, and the first email in the queue was titled, "Five Signs You Shouldn't Go To Grad School."

Is it a sign? Probably not. Did I delete it without opening it? Of course.

But I'm a little burned out. Turned in a paper a week late. Got back an exam with a very un-Jana-like grade. And I don't really care all that much, to be honest.

I think this happens to most people as they progress through a grad program. At least, most of the people I know. You start out with such momentum, and somewhere in that third year, it wanes. You charge through your first language with great joy, only to realize that the second language is nowhere near as fun as the first.

And it's ok. Sometimes you have to push past the things you're not "enjoying" because you're doing something worthwhile, and I feel that this is the case for me.

But at the same time, it would be nice to have a break. If I knew a break wouldn't stop my momentum altogether, that is.

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