
May 31, 2006

My Desire To Be Alone

I just can't be around people right now. It's nothing personal. I love you guys (well, not so much the strangers just surfing in, but my friends). It's just that picking up (or answering) the phone right now is just a monumental burden to me. As is just being in the presence of people. Even email is a challenge, and you guys know how much I love my email!

I don't know why. I'm sure I'll work past it. But that's where I am right now.


Coley said...

It's funny. I don't understand that mindset at all. I mean, I sometimes feel that I need a break from "people", but I rarely ever feel that I need to totally shut down from the world, especially my close friends and family. It isn't really part of my internal makeup.

On the other side of that, I am constantly drawn to friends and very often men, who do get in a place where they need that alone time. It can make for a very frustrating time for me, because all of that insecurity that I keep hidden from everyone rises to the surface and I start to replay my last encounter with that person to try and figure out if something I said or did is causing them to avoid me. When usually, in fact almost always, has nothing to do with me at all.

I am trying to be more understanding of my friends, though. So, never fear, Jai! I'm not going to freak out and wonder what the deal is and why you're ignoring me (well, unless this lasts like weeks or something!) Enjoy the solitude!

Anonymous said...

aww. i feel so rejected now, wheres the love?
just teasing, i think everyone feels like that from time to time. And i think its healthy to step back and have some solitude every once in a while. Jesus occasionally did it, so i would assume that its good for you.